Ready to be a Next Level Leader?

Listen in as Scott Eblin explains how the Next Level Leader course uses the same coaching process he's used with thousands of successful managers and executives to help you succeed as a Next Level Leader.

Learn what it takes

When you're a participant in the course, top executive coach, global leadership educator and best-selling author Scott Eblin will be your coach, mentor and guide in identifying and unlocking the behaviors that will take you to the next level of leadership.

The Next Level Leader course includes hours of exclusive video coaching sessions, dozens of practical leadership tools, checklists, templates, and frameworks plus regular live access to Scott Eblin. He’ll guide you through the same self-coaching process that he uses to help his clients to master the key leadership behaviors that successful next level leaders need to exhibit.

Hi, I'm Scott Eblin

Through my coaching, speaking and books, I help leaders succeed at the next level.

I want to help you do that too.

I’ve been a leader or coaching leaders for most of life. I've been where you are.

Early in my career, I was the youngest whatever - the youngest adviser to a state governor; the youngest vice president of a regional bank holding company; the youngest member of the senior executive team of the largest operating division of a Fortune 500 company. Those experiences taught me what it feels like to be in leadership roles where the expectations are high but hardly ever clearly defined. You're thrown into the deep end of the pool and have to figure out how to swim.

When I left corporate America to coach rising and senior leaders in some of the world's best-known companies, I knew I wanted to shorten the learning curve for them by helping them understand what was expected and what they needed to pick up and let go of to meet those expectations.

That's why I wrote my best-selling book, The Next Level, and, now, is why I'm offering this course. I want to help you succeed by better understanding what's expected of you and showing you how to raise your game to increase your influence and impact as a next level leader.

How this course sets you up for success

Proven Process

Next Level Leader uses the same coaching and development process that Scott Eblin has used with thousands of leaders to help them create measurable improvement in their leadership. Based on colleague feedback, clients who use the process Scott teaches in Next Level Leader increase their effectiveness by an average of 72% in six months and have a 93% level of colleague agreement that they're more effective leaders.

Want to know more?

Explore the course.

click the arrow button below to view full list

Next Level Leader brings Scott Eblin's best-selling book, The Next Level to life.

The course is designed to walk you through a step by step process to increase your influence and impact. It also provides a ton of flexibility to work on the behaviors that will help you do that. Module 1 outlines the steps and Module 3 is a resource catalog of the 27 behaviors contained in The Next Level book. You'll start with just two behaviors but they are all there for your use. In each video, Scott will describe the behavior and then give you action steps to take in your everyday work to master them. Each behavior also contains extra reading resources. Take a look at the course by previewing the first two lessons in Module 1 and then watch Scott's video coaching session on Achieving Results Through Others in Module 3.1 where he gives you the answers to, "what do I need to do to improve?"

  Module 1 | Welcome to the Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 | Let's Get To Work
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 | Leadership Behavior Coaching Sessions | Resource Section
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.1 | Personal Presence | Pick Up Confidence, Let Go of Self Doubt
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.2 | Personal Presence | Pick Up Regular Renewal, Let Go of Running Flat Out
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.3 | Personal Presence | Pick Up Custom Fit Communications, Let Go of One Size Fits All Communications
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.4 | Team Presence | Pick Up Team Reliance, Let Go of Self Reliance
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.5 | Team Presence | Pick Up Defining What to Do, Let Go of Telling How to Do It
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.6 | Team Presence | Pick Up Accountability for Many Results, Let Go of Responsibility for a Few
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.7 | Organizational Presence | Pick Up Looking Left, Right and Diagonally as You Lead, Let Go of Primarily Looking Up and Down as You Lead
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.8 | Organizational Presence | Pick Up An Outside-In View of the Entire Organization, Let Go of an Inside-Out View of Your Function
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3.9 | Organizational Presence | Pick Up a Big Footprint View of Your Role, Let Go of a Small Footprint View of Your Role
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 | Choose Your Leadership Behavior Focal Points
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 | Develop, Select and Follow Through on Your Action Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 | When To Declare Victory
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7 | BONUS | Continue Your Journey
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your toolkit for success

Next Level Leader was built to shorten the learning curve of what’s expected of you as a leader. If you’d like to know how to raise your game, exceed expectations and increase your influence and impact, this is the course for you. Here's just some of what's included ...

Exclusive video content you won't find anywhere else. Scott has filmed hours of videos to walk you step by step through his proven process and give you his coaching insights on the key behaviors next level leaders have to master.

Bonus materials to keep you on track. There are 50 plus additional reading resources from Scott that offer practical and immediately applicable tips on the behaviors you are mastering.

Bonus module where Scott teaches you how to use the steps and materials in the course for a comprehensive leadership development plan as well as your organization's process for individual development plans.

All of that, plus...

Course Workbook

The Next Level Leader workbook is essentially Scott Eblin's coaching playbook. With over 60 pages of worksheets, checklists, scripts, email templates, leadership tools and frameworks. It will be an invaluable guide for you during the course and a priceless resource for years to come.

Experiential Learning

Next Level Leader sets you up to put your plan into action in what Scott calls the "school of real life." The course gives you a step-by-step process for mastering key leadership behaviors that your colleagues will notice and appreciate. And because you have two years of access to the course, you can use it again and again to get better and better.


Next Level Leader brings Scott Eblin's book The Next Level: What Insiders Know About Executive Success to life. That's why we're including the audio edition of the book with the course. We want The Next Level to be a key component of your personal leadership library.

Frequently asked questions

About the course

Who is this course for?

If you’re a newly promoted leader, a high potential leader or an experienced leader taking on bigger opportunities, this course is for you.

When does the Next Level Leader course start and end?

The course starts now and ends when you’re ready. It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. And because you have two years of access to the course, you can repeat the process whenever you want.

How do I access the course materials?

Log into the Eblin Group Courses by clicking Sign Up/Login in the upper right of this page. Course videos are not available for download and must be viewed through the course platform. Some items, such as the course workbook, are available for download.

How long will I have access to the course?

You'll have two years of access to the course with an annual renewable option so you can use it again and again as a resource for your continuous improvement as a next level leader. 

Will this have a lot of hypothetical extra work?

No. This course gives you specific information and ideas that you can put to work immediately in what Scott calls the “School of Real Life”.

Purchasing the course

What are my options for purchasing this course?

If you are purchasing the course on your own you can use your personal or business credit card. If you are participating in the course as part of a program sponsored by your employer, check with your HR or Leadership Development representative for your access code.

Do you offer refunds?

There are no refunds for this course. We only want people to join who are fully committed to doing the work. If that’s you, then let’s get started. If that’s not you, please don’t register for this course. If you’re unsure, please email us and we can have a conversation. This course does not promise overnight transformation with just a desire to change. This course will, however, help you positively move the needle on the behaviors which will lead to you to becoming a next level leader.

Getting Help

What do I do if I need help?

For questions about your billing or accessing the course materials email [email protected].

If you have questions about any aspect of becoming a Next Level Leader, we encourage you to ask those in the Eblin Group Online Community.

For Leadership Development Officers Only

If you and your leaders already use Scott Eblin's best selling book The Next Level, you'll love the Next Level Leader course. The course brings the book to life.

Next Level Leader is a cost efficient, flexible and highly scalable leadership development resource for your organization.

Some of the many ways you can deploy the course include:

  • Using it as an engine and framework for individual leader development or an IDP.
  • Using it as a way to improve the effectiveness of functional leadership team members.
  • Using it as a very cost-effective centerpiece of cohort-based leadership development programs.
  • Working with the Eblin Group to create a customized program that uses live in-person or virtual sessions with Scott Eblin as bookends to the development experience created by the course.
  • Using it as an ongoing resource for alumni of your leadership development programs.

In addition to all of these ways to use the course, Next Level Leader participants have two years of access.

Interested in how you can scale Next Level Leader for the high potential leaders in your organization? Connect with us at [email protected] to learn more. (ask about the bulk purchase discount)